My Top 10 Triple Threat Matches in WWE

Posted by Abbie Anker on Thursday, March 14, 2024
In light of a possible Thriple Threat Match at Wrestlemania between Batista, Randy Orton and Daniel Bryan if Orton retains at Elimination Chamber and after watching a few Triple Threat Matches from the past, I've decided to list my personal favorite Triple Threat Encounters from over the years all of which from WWE starting from likeable to best.

#10-US Championship Submissions Count Anywhere Triple Threat Match
Daniel Bryan (champion) vs. John Morrison vs. The Miz-(Hell in a Cell 2009)

With this match still fresh on my mind I had to include it. It was also the first Submissions Count Anywhere Triple Threat match. The Match started pretty slow at first with each man facing off against eachother one on one. It wasn't long until the action spilled into the crowd and around the arena. John Morrison was the best in this match using his atheletic alibity with the enviroment including a huge splash from the top of the set. The finish came with Alex Riley helping the Miz by taking out Morrison. Daniel Bryan took out Rile, locked Morrison in the YES! Lock forcing him to submit on the Entrance ramp. All in all it was a very entertaining match.
Winner: Daniel Bryan

#9-WWE Championship Triple Threat Match-(Armageddon 2008)
Edge (Champion) vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Triple H

The whole build-up to this match was about Jeff Hardy being so close to becoming the WWE Championship. Triple H had just lost the Championship to a returning Edge at Survivor Series. Jeff Hardy was taking out before the match and so he got his last chance at Armageddon when Edge defended against Jeff and Triple H. The Match itself was a good Match. It was good that each Superstar was different. It was a good mix of Wrestling, Athleticism and Anger. The Finish came with Triple H hitting a pedigree on Edge, once the cover was made Jeff Hardy came jumping off with a Swanton Bomb knocking HHH from the ring thus pinning Edge and becoming the WWE Champion. Great Match and big ups to Jeff Hardy on winning his first World Championship in WWE.
Winner: Jeff Hardy

#8-#1 Contenders Triple Threat Steel Cage Match (WWE Breakdown 1998)
Ken Shamrock vs. The Rock vs. Mankind

Its safe to say that The Rock was becoming a Star at this point. The reaction he recieved in this match was fantastic. The Match was solid with very physical entertainment. Again this match had three very different styles. Ken Shamrock dominated most of the match with hard hitting moves. Mankind was the Hardcore maniac as always, dropping elbows and DDTS. It was The Rock who picked up the pieces after Mankind dropped Shamrock with his Double arm DDT he started climbing only for the Rock to pin Shamrock and Win while Mankind climbed out.
Winner: The Rock

#7-WWE Championship Triple Threat Match (Survivor Series 2009)
Shawn Michaels vs Triple H vs John Cena (Champion)

It was D-Generation X vs John Cena or so we thought. After the bell rang Shawn Michaels quickly Super Kicked Triple H from The Ring. I enjoyed this match. It was two previous Wrestlemania Main Events colliding in one ring. It was great to see HBK and HHH go at it including Triple H putting HBK through the Announce table. The finish came with Shawn Michaels recieving an Attitude Adjustment from John Cena, landing on a downed Triple H. John Cena then pinned Triple H to retain the Championship.
Winner: John Cena

#6-IC Championship Triple Threat Match (Unforgiven 2003)
Rob Van Dam vs. Chris Jericho vs. Christian (Champion)

Epic! Incredible match from start to finish. It featured 3 of the best Superstars in WWE at that time. Chris Jericho and Christian were a team at this point in WWE and most of the match featured a Handicap situation until Jericho interupted Christians pin attempt causing the two to go at it. There was a great spot where Rob Van Dam tried to Superplex Christian from the top rope only for Jericho to grab RVD in the Powerbomb position, RVD Still connected but also got Powerbombed. It was a great moment that recieved a standing Ovation. The Finish came with RVD going for a frog splash on Christian only for Christian to pull the Championship unto him causing RVD to bounch of the belt. Christian pinned RVD to end the match.
Winner: Christian

#5-Triple Threat WWE Championship Match (Survivor Series 1999)
Triple H (champion) vs. The Rock vs. The Big Show

Some people might disagree with this match being on the list let alone be #5 but I have good reasons. This Event was one of the first events I'd seen. I was 9 and was fasinated by the Match itself. Big Show wasn't suppose to be in the match to begin with, Stone Cold Steve Austin was in the match with Vince McMahon as the Referee but Austin got Run down by a car earlier in the night by Rikishi thus putting him out. Big Show was then the replacement. The match in my opinion was great. It spilled all the way up the aisle and back to the announce table were Rock and Triple H double suplexed the Big Show through the Announce table. The end came with DX Coming down to aid Triple H, until Shane McMahon came out to help clear the ring and reviel a Referee shirt. Triple H pedigreed him shortly after. Triple H had the match won or so we thought. Vince returned to the ring and clocked Triple H with the title followed by a Chokeslam by Big Show, McMahon made the pin thus giving Big Show his first WWE Championship. For a 9 year old this was great.
Winner: The Big Show

#4-WWE Championship Triple Threat Hell In A Cell Match (Hell in a Cell 11)
John Cena (c) vs. Alberto Del Rio vs. CM Punk

Very physical match. The Main story was CM Punk trying to get back his title that was jumping back and forth between Cena and Del Rio. I think this match is mostly remembered for the end. Alberto Del Rio managed to lock John Cena outside the Cell. Del Rio then finished off CM Punk and won the Championship. After the match, R-Truth and The Miz pretending to be fans invaded the ring and beat down Punk, Del Rio and Cena who had got back in. It was chaos. The entire locker room came down with Triple H to try and break in. Eventually they did and Miz and Truth surrendered themselves to the Authority.
Winner: Alberto Del Rio

#3-Undisputed WWE Championship Triple Threat Match (Vegeance 2002)
The Undertaker (champion) vs. Kurt Angle vs. The Rock

This match was intended to set-up The Rock and Brock Lesnar at Summerslam. Undertaker was the Champion heading in to the match. Kurt Angle was just there being great. It was a great match featuring 3 of the best WWE Superstars. Angle took a hard smack to the ringpost causing him to bleed. The Finish came with each Superstar doing their finishers on one and other or Stealing each others finishers. The Rock would hit a final Rock Bottom on Kurt Angle to win the WWE Championship. 2002 also featured the most times the belt changed hands.
Winner: The Rock

#2-IC Championship Triple Threat Match (Vengeance 2006)
Carlito vs. Johnny Nitro vs. Shelton Benjamin (Champion)

For those who are not sure, Johnny Nitro is John Morrison. This Match is quite possibly my favorite 3 man encounter. It had 3 of the best athletic superstars in WWE History. The highspots were great. Carlitos springboard Moonsault to the outside was nice. There was only another great spot, where Nitro tried to suplex Carlito from the top rope. Carlito fought out causing Nitro to land in the Tree of Woe. Benjamin would then leap unto the top rope grabbing Carlito but before he hit the Suplex, Nitro leaned up, grabbed Benjamin and hit a German Suplex on Shelton who also hit the suplex on Carlito. Great move. The finish came with Carlito hitting the Back Stabber on Shelton, Nitro would pull Carlito from the ring, crawl in and Pin Shelton winning the Title. It was a solid 15 minutes of Fun.
Winner: Johnny Nitro

#1-World Championship Triple Threat Match (Backlash 2004)
Chris Benoit (Champion) vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H

First off these 3 men met previously at Wrestlemania 20 in a thunderous main event with Benoit wining the Big Gold Belt. Originally it was Benoit vs Shawn Michaels at Backlash until HHH got added a week later. This match was also in Canada. Benoits home town and also Shawn Michaels knows Canada very we'll since the Montreal Screwjob. It was a Hot match from start to finish. It didn't take all before the 'You screwed Bret' chants occured. Michaels would also miss a flying bodypress resulting in Michaels crashing through a table. Benoit and Triple H fought a great Match while HBK was out. HBK re-entered and took the advantage only to be attacked with a Sledgehammer wielding Triple H. Benoit would take out Triple H and shockingly to the crowds pleasure lock in a Sharpeshooter on Michaels forcing him to submit. It was a very physical encounter much different from there Mania match. I think the crowd helped this too.
Winner: Chris Benoit

Thats my list. Anybody have any other Honorable mentions that use think were fantastic. Feel free to submit your own list.
