Watch: Conor Mcgregor bathroom video

Posted by Arica Deslauriers on Saturday, March 30, 2024

UFC sensation Conor McGregor is facing allegations of sexual assault during an NBA Finals game held in Miami, Florida on June 9th.

Initially reported by TMZ, McGregor has denied the accusation, but the outlet has since released a video.

The video purports to show McGregor leading the accuser into a bathroom by the hand, where the alleged assault occurred.

Video footage of McGregor and the woman in question, who has accused him of sexual assault, was made public on TMZ today.

The brief video depicts McGregor, wearing a black t-shirt, guiding an individual through a crowded area, while the person’s identity remains digitally obscured.

TMZ also shared a 15-second clip showing McGregor flexing and singing alongside the accuser, once again digitally obscured.

Ariel Mitchell, a lawyer representing McGregor’s accuser, has claimed that McGregor forcefully took his client into a restroom and raped her.

Mitchell further alleged that NBA and Miami Heat security personnel assisted in separating the woman from her friend before she was coerced into the restroom.

In a letter addressed to the NBA, Mitchell stated, “Security refused to let [the woman] exit or allow anyone else, including her friend, inside the bathroom.”

Mitchell went on to claim that once inside the restroom, McGregor “aggressively kissed” the woman and compelled her to engage in oral sex.

According to Mitchell’s account, McGregor then cornered his client against a wall and attempted to engage in non-consensual anal intercourse.

The woman managed to elbow McGregor and escape from the restroom.

Mitchell also stated that McGregor’s security team had to be persuaded by the woman to retrieve her purse, which she had left behind in the bathroom.

In a departure from their usual practice, the UFC released a statement addressing the allegations against Conor McGregor.

The promotion posted a concise statement on its official website, noting that they are aware of the recent accusations and will gather more information before making further statements.

The UFC intends to allow the legal process to unfold.

It remains uncertain whether the UFC and its broadcasting partner ESPN will continue airing the 31st season of The Ultimate Fighter, where McGregor serves as a team coach alongside Michael Chandler.

These allegations are not the first of their kind involving Conor McGregor.

The New York Times reported that McGregor was previously investigated in 2019 regarding sexual assault claims, but no criminal charges were brought forth.

The New York Post also reported a second sexual assault accusation against McGregor in the same year.

Currently, McGregor is the subject of a civil case related to the initial 2019 allegation.

In 2020, McGregor faced accusations of indecent exposure in a bar bathroom on the French island of Corsica.

However, he did not face any criminal charges in relation to that incident.
