The Tragic Real Life Story Of Val Kilmer

Posted by Gladis Harcrow on Friday, April 19, 2024

Val Kilmer eventually bowed to the pressure of his children — neither of them Christian Scientists. "I just didn't want to experience their fear, which was profound," Kilmer told The New York Times, adding, "I would've had to go away, and I just didn't want to be without them."

That same year, 2014, Kilmer got surgery on his ailing instrument. Next was chemotherapy and radiation. He says doctors, "zapped my whole throat," which he still describes as, "dry as a bone." The surgery "left him with a tracheostomy tube," short of breath, and subsisting on a feeding tube. It reduced his once-booming baritone to "rasp," according to The Hollywood Reporter. His great gift was gone, "Speaking, once my joy and lifeblood has become an hourly struggle. The instrument over which I had complete mastery is now out of my control," he laments in I'm Your Huckleberry.

In another ill twist of fate, Kilmer's daughter Mercedes was hit by a car in a serious accident that left a scar running down the length of her leg. She joined her father in the hospital. Kilmer's son Jack was devastated as he tended their bedsides, telling THR, "I was just, you know, miserable, distraught, sitting next to these two."
