Bendito sea Jehov mi roca

Posted by Abbie Anker on Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Bendito sea Jehová mi roca
Palabra en Acción Lyrics

Jump to: Overall Meaning ↴  Line by Line Meaning ↴Bendito sea Jehová mi Roca
Quien adiestra mis manos para pelear
Y mis dedos para la guerra
Oh Dios, a Ti cantaré cántico nuevo
Con salterio, con decacordio cantaré a Ti Overall Meaning

The opening lines of the song "Bendito sea Jehová mi Roca" offer a clear expression of gratitude to God for equipping the singer with strength and skill for battle. "Roca" refers to God's steadfastness and unwavering support, while "adiestrar" (to train) suggests a careful cultivation of the singer's abilities under God's guidance. The specific mention of "manos" (hands) and "dedos" (fingers) concretely describe the physical preparation for conflict, perhaps signifying the need for dexterity and precision in a fight.

The subsequent lines shift the focus to praise and worship, as the singer promises to offer up a new song to God. The use of musical instruments like the "salterio" (a kind of harp) and "decacordio" (a ten-stringed instrument) further emphasizes the joy and celebration that accompanies this praise. The song seems to reflect a deep faith in God's protection and guidance in the midst of warfare, as well as an assurance of victory through His power.

Line by Line Meaning

Bendito sea Jehová mi Roca
Praised be Jehovah my Rock, my solid foundation

Quien adiestra mis manos para pelear
He who trains my hands for battle, preparing me for the fight

Y mis dedos para la guerra
And my fingers for war, equipping me for the struggle

Oh Dios, a Ti cantaré cántico nuevo
Oh God, I will sing a new song to You

Con salterio, con decacordio cantaré a Ti
With the psaltery and the ten-stringed instrument, I will sing to You

Writer(s): palabra en acción

Contributed by Mackenzie I. Suggest a correction in the comments below.

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