Baron Corbin Feels His Bum Corbin Gimmick Almost Turned Him Babyface

Posted by Zora Stowers on Thursday, March 21, 2024

Baron Corbin has been part of WWE for ten years now, and he made the most out of any role that was given to him. In fact, Corbin has gone through various changes over the years and remains relevant even now. In fact, Corbin thinks his ‘Bum Corbin’ gimmick almost turned him into a babyface.

Corbin eventually changed into Happy Corbin and has been one of the most hated heels in WWE. He then took a hiatus from WWE television and came back as Baron Corbin, this time alongside JBL.

Prior to all this, Corbin was known as ‘Bum ass Corbin’ who had the worst luck in the world. In fact, his character managed to garner a lot of sympathy from the WWE Universe.

While speaking to Busted Open Radio, Baron Corbin talked about his previous gimmicks in WWE. Corbin stated that he believes his ‘Bum Corbin’ gimmick almost turned him into a babyface.

The halting of the character’s progression was due to Vince McMahon’s vision for its future. Baron Corbin stated he has no objections to turning into a fan-favorite, but it must occur organically

So it was so funny, when I was doing the ‘broke-down, bum ass Corbin,’ people were starting to cheer and it was almost like a weird, kind of uncomfortable feeling for me when I would come out because I would walk down the aisle and there would be people holding money out. I mean I probably could have made $500, a thousand a night with people holding out $20s. I had people shoving it in my car windows when I’d leave the venue, it was wild and I think that if it had lasted longer, it probably would have full-fledged turned me to the other side and I think that’s one of the reasons we cut it earlier than we probably should’ve.

Vince [McMahon] had a vision to change it and become ‘Happy Corbin’ and I think he wanted to do it before it turned me to a baby and it was a weird feeling having that reaction. I would do it, I’m not opposed to it… It’s not in me to ever be a rah, rah, cheer for me guy. I think if it’s something for me that would be a natural kind of evolution of people going, man, he deserves his due. Let’s get this guy and let’s run with him a little bit. He’s busted his ass and he’s put on 100-plus matches a year, he’s always there. I’m always a guy that you can call and, ‘Hey. We got Drew McIntyre on Raw tonight. Who can put on an amazing match and go to war with him?’ ‘Ah, grab Corbin.

He can do it.’ Even if it’s a cold match, I can go out there, I can get heat, I can perform and I can make it believable I can beat anybody on this roster and I think that if it ever does change that way, it will be one of those things where they just wanna put a little respect behind it as the fans and they finally start maybe appreciating it but who knows? Miz did it for a short run there when he was with Shane [McMahon] — was a good guy. That was the only time ever in his career. It really is (hard to like The Miz).

Baron Corbin competed in the Royal Rumble match last night but had a poor performance, as he was largely decimated by Brock Lesnar before the match. We’ll have to wait and see what’s next in store for Corbin.

What’s your take on this story? Sound off in the comments!

January 29, 2023 10:40 am
